Shock! Hollywood Studios might have to actually make good movies!

This article in the LA Times is a great reminder of just how stupid Hollywood studios are. They are shocked to learn that DVD sales, one of their main sources of income is declining, and the more terrifying is that its the poor quality titles that are the ones with the steepest drop off in sales. You know despite the media blitz trying to flog crap, people seem to have better information from other sources about said crap and are refusing to buy it.
"...alarming, especially for studios that have thrived on seducing moviegoers into seeing mediocre product, is the realization that audiences are becoming more quality conscious. In the past, if a forgettable action film hit pay dirt at the box office, it would perform correspondingly well in DVD, allowing studios in greenlight meetings to provide a conversion rate -- i.e. that if a movie of a certain genre made $100 million in the theaters, that would equal X millions of units in DVD. But judging from recent DVD sales figures, films that had poor word-of-mouth were underperforming in DVD, even if they had enjoyed lofty box-office numbers."
What's a poor multi-billion dollar studio supposed to do? Change it's business model and actually make decent films? Don't be silly, let's blame the internet. Damn that word of mouth! They should prosecute their customers for telling each other that films are schlock. Clearly that's the solution.

Once again Hollywood, wake up and get a clue!


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