What fun these Brits be...

Apparently Brian Sewell has been described as 'posher then the queen' and in his televisual art criticism is want to engage in more hand-wavery then Sister Wendy. A highly conservative art critic for the UK's Evening Standard, he detests the modern and conceptual in art, preferring to pomp around Europe and expound on the classics. His decadent accent, clearly reflective of his taste, is the real joy, as he pours his voice over gluttonous foods and 'dirty, naughty boys'. Enjoy the clip!


Anonymous said…
Haha, you had me at Sister Wendy.
That is the most amazing accent I've ever heard! I didn't think those people even existed!
I love his comment about 'religion spoiling everything'... I bet he wants some of those naughty boys. :P
Anonymous said…

From Dead Ringers.

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