Curse this Heat

Record-breaking heat waves are the least exciting natural 'event' you can be part of. Unlike, say a thunderstorm with hail the size of babies skulls, a heat wave it just hot and boring. It saps the energy out of you. I don't want to do anything, and yet I have a million things to do. I'm totally blaming it for why my team and I sucked so terribly doing theatresports last Sunday. You try to think on your feet, under stage lights in a un-airconditioned little church theatre. God, its hard enough to be coherent let alone make up an interesting and entertaining scene. Blah. Haven't had the mental fortitude to find time to write either. I just lay like a mollusc on my couch, hoping if I stay very still the warmness will leave me alone. It never does. I shall retire now to my hot, restless bed so that I may rise weary and bleary-eyed for work. What joy!
Who wants to drink themselves unconscious in the Garden of unearthly delights tomorrow?


Unknown said…
have drink (or several) for me.

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