Sexy Economists

Continuing in my ugly economist's hat mode, I feel compelled to share this little discussion about John Maynard Keynes. What? You mean you're not up on your economic theory, and can't remember who Keynes is? Well he just happened to be a British economist, responsible for 'Keynesian' economics (funny that), which was the basis for Macroeconomics, got made a baron, and etc etc... Don't worry, I forgot too. He was an important, influential economist. He liked numbers. Alot. He also liked men. Yes, Keynes was an unabashed comrade pillow-biter (Gosh, I don't mean to insult his memory, economists probably wouldn't like to be called 'comrade'). He found a way to combine two of the things he liked very much, numbers and sex with men. He kept diaries, with detailed statistics of his conquests. Now all this has been common knowledge for some time - he never really hid is sexuality, and one of his diaries is pretty straight forward. It just lists his relationships and the dates they lasted, referring to his partners by initials or nicknames, making the people easy to determine.

It's the second diary that gets economist's in the know all giggly. The second one is presumed to be a record of his anonymous sexual encounters, and its in code. It quantifies certain of his sexual activities over periods of time, using three codes, 'C' 'A' and 'W'. No-one, it seems, can agree on exactly what they are. Most people agree that 'A' is probably for anal. When you start trying to work out the others though, and people have analysed the numbers and dates to great length, you start to even question if you made the right assumption for 'A'. You see if we assume 'C' is cock-sucking and 'W' is wanking, then it might seem logical, but he participated in a lot more 'C' then he did 'W'. Or maybe it's mutual wanking. This is where the arguments about what sort of sex he was having plus how often he was likely to be having it get into full gear. Then of course you have all your nomenclature arguments about what those acts were called nearly a century ago now, and whether the letters still fit. Whoever said economics was boring?

So be a dear and check out the article over here, which has a more detailed analysis of the Keynesian figures, and then tell me what your opinion is. I'm going with A=anal, C=cock-sucking and W=wanking, mutually. So lets here your take on the numbers, its about time you people put a few more comments on here!


Anonymous said…
Hey, I remember Keynesian economic theory... His basic thing was that governments should spend money when the economy goes bad and spend less when it's good? Is this right? And government's followed Keynes' theory until the 70's when we experienced stagflation!!! Am I right?
Anonymous said…
Damnit, I wish we would actually study the interesting bits of economics: e.g. the Keynesian sex diaries, instead of the usual formulae, numbers and statistics.
Unknown said…
Keynes was boom and bust right? Maybe it was just a metaphor for sexual experience?
Anonymous said…
I love that this post gets all the comments.

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