Getting Ink Done or Getting Done by Ink
Tattoos may eventually be good for you. According to German scientists, vaccines delivered by a vibrating needle just under the skin, like a tattooist's needle, rather then an injection, are significantly more effective at delivering the vaccine into the body. I've considered getting a little tattoo from time to time, and it's nice to think that they could have a medicinal purpose. If you happen to be one of the people feature on the blog Horrible Tattoos, you might be thankful for the excuse 'It was life or death, I had to get a tattoo!' The pics on that blog range from simply amusing, to the downright bizarre like this

The tattoo on the blog I found most amusing, is NSFW so here's the link. To paraphrase the blog, "I found Jesus! Guess where!"

The tattoo on the blog I found most amusing, is NSFW so here's the link. To paraphrase the blog, "I found Jesus! Guess where!"