Curse you Veronica Mars!
Veronica Mars is making this whole blogging thing rather difficult. How am I supposed to post stuff when they go and end every episode of season 3 with a juicy cliff-hanger?! It's compounded by things like this -
The universe is trying to stop me blogging I tell you!
Actually I came across some fascinating info on IMDB. So Michael Muhney who plays the dumb sheriff on Veronica Mars is actually a member of Mensa. He has just written, produced and starred in a movie, released this year presumably, which also stars Amber Benson, AKA Tara from Buffy. So there is yet another Buffy connection to Veronica Mars, what with Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan both having recurring roles in the show.
Suddenly my Veronica buzz has worn off, and I'm sad that I'll never get to watch another new episode of Buffy...

Suddenly my Veronica buzz has worn off, and I'm sad that I'll never get to watch another new episode of Buffy...