
Showing posts from July, 2008

I'm a Man Eating Machine

This 'Corporate Cannibal', the first clip on Grace Jones upcoming album, which is only coming 19 years after her last one! I love how creepy this clip is, it reminds me of the freaky, ring-ish Omodaka clip I posted not that long ago, although it has a cool 80's simplicity. It is basically a few straight forward shots with a simple filter applied over it, albeit very cleverly. Oh yeah, slave to the rhythm of the corporate prison...

Look at moi, look at moi, look at moi...

Oh my god, it has started. AAaaaaaggghhh!! I don't know where to look, my eyes, my eyes they are burning. How could you do this to me Molly Shannon, I trusted you, you were a a superstar. *sobs* Why?? WHY LORD HAVE YOU DONE THIS!!?!?